
Essay Renamed

The Essay that used to be called "Debugging Stage 1" has been renamed "Debugging Manipulation", to reflect a transition away from older language that described the work of the Holy Spirit in a perceived order of Maturation.  In the older terminology, Stage 1 was Suppression, Stage 2 was Illumination, Stage 3 was Unification, and Stage 4 was Manipulation.  After I realized that Unification was not a stage but the foundation, and that Suppression was a subset of Manipulation, I dropped the concept of stages and have relocated Unification to its proper place of pre-eminence.  The division of the work of the Holy Spirit within the human brain naturally divides into those works that primarily work at the unconscious level (Manipulation) or at the conscious level (Illumination).  I apologize for not being able to immediately clean up my terminology in the other essays.

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